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One Book Away From an Episode of Hoarders

I enjoy horror, thrillers, urban fantasy, steampunk, science fiction, mystery, speculative and dystopian fiction, humor, and paranormal romance (I like more plot than smut in my fiction, although I'm definitely not a prude) among others. about me In October, every October, I marathon 100+ horror movies so I'm not as active that month or November either (NaNoWriMo). My rating system is as follows: 1 star - I'd like my time back, thank you. 2 stars - I didn't care for it but I don't feel cheated. I'm not likely to subject myself to any of this author's other works. 3 stars - I enjoyed my time in the story and will more than likely read another book by the author some day. 4 stars - I really enjoyed this story and will definitely be interested in anything else the author writes. 5 stars - The real world didn't exist while I was reading this. I will likely maim anyone who interrupts me while I'm devouring everything in this author's bibliography

Currently reading

Hex Hall
Rachel Hawkins
How Beauty Saved the Beast (Tales of the Underlight, #2)
Jax Garren
Trouble in Mudbug - Jana Deleon I liked it well enough to put the next two on mt. TBR before I finished this one. Fluffy, cozy mystery.
The Hunter - Theresa Meyers Closer to a 3.5 really. I liked it but I didn't love it. I liked the steampunk parts, the paranormal aspect of it and the characters. I'm not a fan of westerns though so maybe that dampened the enjoyment of the story for me.
I did like it enough that I intend to read the other two books in the series, although not anytime soon.
Corsets & Clockwork: 13 Steampunk Romances - Trisha Telep, Maria V. Snyder, Tiffany Trent, Kiersten White, Jaclyn Dolamore, Tessa Gratton, Caitlin Kittredge, Adrienne Kress, Lesley Livingston, Dru Pagliassotti, Dia Reeves, Michael Scott, Ann Aguirre, Allan Frewin Jones Short stories. Mostly hits with only a few misses for me.
Night of the Vampires - Heather Graham I think that my 3 star rating reflects more on myself rather than this book.

It was interesting and tightly paced. The characters seemed well rounded and developed and I know very little about the time period that this story is set in (Civil War - History wasn't my favorite in school) but it seems fairly accurate from my sketchy memories.

The problem lies in the fact that I am pretty much sick to death of vampires.

If you're not, this is a solid read.
Prom Dates from Hell - Rosemary Clement-Moore This book was a lot of fun. I hated putting it down. This is second book by this author I've read and now decided that I need to read everything she writes.

Game Changer

The Always War - Margaret Peterson Haddix It was riveting and a quick read. I felt it left us with more questions at the conclusion and wrapped up the main storyline too neatly. I liked it enough to give the author another read but if its also just a 3 star read, I probably won't read another of hers.

Mt. TBR is way too high to continue to read books that I don't love.
The Queen Is Dead - Kate Locke This is quickly becoming one of my new favorite series.
Hare Moon (The Forest of Hands and Teeth 0.5) - Carrie Ryan I don't know what I expected of this short novella. I didn't much care for The Forest of Hands and Teeth but decided to give this a try anyway. I didn't care for it much either. Its a library rental so I'm not out anything but time.
Kidnapping of Courtney Van Allen & What's-Her-Name - Joyce Cool I haven't read this in at least 20 years but I remember that I enjoyed it.
Nothing's Fair in Fifth Grade - Barthe DeClements I loved this book when I read it in 198*cough...cough* It is one of the books I read repeatedly.
Enclave - Ann Aguirre This is closer to a 3.5 for me. I liked the writing, world building and the characters but there is just something lacking to make it stellar for me.

I like it enough to pick up the next in the series but not enough that I'll bump it up to the top of the mountain.
The Department of Alterations: A Tor.Com Original - Gennifer Albin I didn't read the book Crewel first but it was definitely interesting enough that I now want to.

I've read enough dystopian stories that I wasn't confused but apparently YMMV
Blood Price - Tanya Huff It was interesting enough to give the next in the series a try.
Untamed City: Carnival of Secrets - Melissa Marr I like the varying viewpoints throughout the book. The world building was extensive but not in an info dump kind of way.

Its not without flaws but it was an enjoyable way to spend my commute. I'm eager (although not rabid) for the next installment as it ended on a bit of a cliffhanger.
Nice Girls Don’t Sign a Lease Without a Wedding Ring (Jane Jameson, #3.5) - Molly Harper Cute little story. Read for free online.
Ender's Game - Orson Scott Card The last chapter alone would've been enough to give it five stars. It ended beautifully. The rest of the book moved along swiftly.